Grant Programs at CEMAT

Reinforcing Critical Research on North Africa
Carnegie Corporation of New York

Creating Space for Knowledge and Professional Pathways through the Arts and Humanities in the Maghrib
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

The American Tunisian Association Grant for Tunisian Scholars [ended in 2020]

Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Social Science Methods Workshops [ended in 2019]

American Studies Grant/Grant for Graduate Research [ended in 2016]

AIMS Grants

AIMS Short and Long-Term Research Grants for U.S. Scholars

AIMS I. William Zartman North African Travel Award

AIMS Jeanne Jeffers M’rad Graduate Student Travel Award

AIMS Annual Conference: The Donna Lee Bowen Graduate Student Travel Award

AIMS Annual Book Prize

L. Carl Brown AIMS Book Prize in North African Studies

AIMS Annual Paper Prize

Mark Tessler Graduate Student Prize Award

AIMS Annual Conference

The American Institute for Maghrib Studies Annual Conference is our institutional signature event that brings together delegations of scholars from the US, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco, as well as individual scholars from Mauritania and Libya. The conference rotates each years between Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. AIMS members who are interested in proposing a theme with resonance across North Africa are encouraged to submit a formal proposal in response to a call for conference proposals issued by AIMS annually. The selection committee will look favorably on applications that envision an interdisciplinary conference that incorporates both historical and contemporary perspectives. Up to USD20,000 will be made available to support this flagship event. AIMS conferences in Tunisia in Tunisia, include:

Aesthetic Interventions for Social Justice Across the Maghreb

January 9-10, 2024

Remade by War: New Perspectives on Postwar North Africa

May 11-12, 2023

Making Space in the Maghrib

July 8 - 9, 2017

Linking Public Opinion and Political Action

May 30 - 31, 2015

Public Health and Health Policy in the Maghrib: Exploring Current Issues and Emerging Priorities

June 17 - 20, 2011

Cinema and the Maghrib

May 23 - 26, 2008

The Growth of Cities in the Maghrib Over Time

May 26 - 28, 2005

Oral Maghribi Literature

May 17 - 20, 2002

How to Prepare North Africans for the 21st Century

June 1 - 3, 2000

The Maghrib in World History

May 27 - 31, 1998

Sondages et Enquetes de Recherche au Maghrib


The Effects of International Labor Migration on North Africa


Technology and Social Changes in the Maghrib

June 4 - 6, 1990

World Experiences in Regional Organization and Integration

January 13 - 16, 1987